The Middle School Counseling Program offers an array of developmental guidance services for all students. Through classroom activities, small group discussions, and individual meetings with students, school counselors help students better understand themselves and others.
There are three major developmental guidance areas to be addressed, according to guidelines from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the American School Counseling Association; namely, academics/learning, social/emotional, and career/vocational. These areas represent the specific needs of children at the various stages of development. The purpose of the Hudson Middle School counseling program is to address the needs of our young people in a systematic manner so they will have the opportunity to continue developing the skills necessary to learn, grow, and develop.
School counselors are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests and talents as these traits relate to career awareness and development. School counselors help parents focus on ways to further the education, social and emotional growth of students. School counselors work with teachers and other educators to help students explore their potential and set realistic goals for themselves. School counselors seek to identify and utilize community resources that can enhance and complement comprehensive school counseling programs and help students become productive members of society.
Students wanting to see a counselor are encouraged to schedule an appointment. Students should use time before and after school and between classes to schedule appointments. Parents desiring to see a school counselor should call 715-377-3820 and ask for the appropriate grade level counselor.