Hudson High School
Academic & Career Planning

Academic Support

School Counselors are able to meet with students to discuss and plan for success.

School Counselors will: Academic Resources: Free Online Resources:
Individually meet During school – Academic Wednesday (during Advisory) Mathway
Facilitate a meeting with teachers Tutors – Hudson Community Education 715.377.3722 or Khan Academy
Student Check In Student tutors – check with counselors Wolfram
Discuss concerns Albert

College & Career Ready

School Counselors prepare students for post high school opportunities.

Explore, research and choose where you want to go and what you want to do next! Xello is an amazing tool all students have access to at Hudson High School. You can:

  • take interest inventories
  • find career matches
  • research colleges and careers
  • save and compare colleges
  • search for scholarships and financial aid
  • request transcripts

“In addition to having knowledge in academic content areas, the Wisconsin way of college and career readiness values skills and habits. Our graduates must be critical thinkers, able to communicate effectively, collaborate with others, and solve real world problems. Ultimately, we want our kids to be good adults.” ~ Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI)

All students will graduate “College and Career Ready” means they will:

  • Understand how their unique strengths and interests align to a wide variety of future opportunities.
  • Prepare and maintain a personal plan for goal attainment that provides flexibility based on individual experiences.
  • Effectively navigate both the world of higher education and employment to support a transition to adulthood.
  • Possess confidence in knowledge, skills, and character in relation to their personal and career goals.

We support College and Career Readiness by:

  • Providing developmentally appropriate opportunities to learn and demonstrate required/desired knowledge, skills and character.
  • Guiding all students through the academic and career planning process.
  • Supporting students as they strive to master required and desired coursework.
  • Encouraging active engagement in extra-curricular activities and career/service learning programs.
  • Collaborating with partners to provide exposure to a wide range of industries and careers.
  • Aligning curriculum to a variety of post-secondary opportunities.

Ven style diagram that identifies personal, college, academic, and career areas of focus.

What is Academic and Career Planning (ACP)?

The purpose of Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is to assist students with planning and preparing for opportunities after graduating from high school. These opportunities may include post-secondary education and training that leads to careers.

ACP is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post-secondary success. This is achieved through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills.

ACP refers to both a process that helps students engage in academic and career development activities, as well as a product that is created and maintained for students’ academic, career, and personal achievement.

ACP is a student-driven, ongoing process that actively engages students in:

  • understanding their own interests, strengths, values, and learning styles.
  • creating a vision for their future.
  • developing individual goals.
  • preparing a plan for achieving their vision and goals.

ACP provides students with a product that documents and reflects students’:

  • coursework, learning, and assessment results.
  • post-secondary plans aligned to career goals and financial reality.
  • record of college and career readiness skills.

4 Stages to Successful Academic and Career Planning

 A block of four colors with 1. Know, 2. Explore, 3. Plan, 4. Go! related to Academic and Career Planning.

1.Know – Self-Awareness: Who Am I? Get to know your interests, skills and strengths.

  • Students learn about themselves, their interests, skills, preferences and aspirations. This exploration supports students in finding opportunities that are right for them.
    • Interests and strengths
    • Self-reflection and goal setting
    • Academic courses and skill preparation
    • Employability skills

2. Explore – Career Exploration: Where do I want to go? Explore career pathways and education opportunities.

  • Students learn about career possibilities and the educational pathways that are required for different careers.
    • Career exploration and activities grades 6-12
    • Understanding and comparing different post-secondary education and training options

3. Plan – Career Planning: How do I get there? Set goals, choose courses, get involved, complete applications and resumes.

  • A dynamic, action-based plan outlines the steps needed to achieve career, school, and life goals.
    • Planning skills
    • Middle and High School planning
    • Post-secondary planning

4. Go! – Career Management: Do it! Evaluate and adjust along the way!

  • Plans are brought to life, whether for a career, job, or college, by taking informed action.
    • Executing the plan
    • Evaluating the plan
    • Updating the plan

Career Cruising is an online self-exploration and planning program that helps students navigate these four steps in planning.

Hudson’s Academic Career Plan Grades 6-12 Learning Continuum

At each grade level, students will practice goal setting and planning by developing and/or revising their personal Academic & Career Plan with the support from adult mentors (teachers, counselors, parents, etc.). this is meant to be a gradual process that builds from one year to the next and supports the unique development of each student. Student goals and plans are expected to change annually based on their personal experiences. Click here to view detailed grade level outcomes and activities along with a guide to the student portfolio completion standards (Pages 9 & 10)