2024-2025 Free Or Reduced Meals Information
Please note that the following meal prices will be in effect for the 2023-2024 school year.
$1.65 Breakfast-Elementary
$2.90 Elementary – Lunch
$2.00 Middle & High – Breakfast
$3.10 Middle & High – Lunch
$0.00 Reduced Breakfast
$0.40 Reduced Lunches (all grades/schools)
$2.75 Adult Breakfast
$4.90 Adult Lunch
$0.45 Milk/ A la Carte
Students who qualify for free or reduced meals must take at least three of the five components (Meat/Meat alternative, Grain, Fruit, Vegetable, Milk) offered to qualify as a meal. One of the three has to be a fruit or vegetable. Individual items (such as milk) do not qualify as a meal and are considered to be an a la carte purchase. The cost of a milk carton is $0.40.
Families who may qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals are still encouraged to complete an application. Other School District fees may be reduced for qualifying families.
If you have questions about Free or Reduced Priced Meals call us at 715.377.3717 or email nutrition@hudsonraiders.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can get free or reduced price meals?
- All children in households receiving benefits from FoodShare, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)], or W-2 cash benefits are eligible for free meals.
- Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals.
- Children participating in their school’s Head Start program are eligible for free meals.
- Children who meet the definition of homeless, runaway, or migrant are eligible for free meals.
- Children may qualify to receive free or reduced price meals if your household’s income is at or below the limits on the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.
FEDERAL ELIGIBILITY INCOME CHART For School Year 2024-2025 | |||
Household size | Yearly ($) | Monthly ($) | Weekly ($) |
1 | 27,861 | 2,322 | 536 |
2 | 37,814 | 3,152 | 728 |
3 | 47,767 | 3,981 | 919 |
4 | 57,720 | 4,810 | 1,110 |
5 | 67,673 | 5,640 | 1,302 |
6 | 77,626 | 6,469 | 1,493 |
7 | 87,579 | 7,299 | 1,685 |
8 | 97,532 | 8,128 | 1,876 |
Each additional person: | 9,953 | 830 | 192 |
How do I know if my children qualify as homeless, migrant, or runaway?
- If your household lacks a permanent address.
- If you are staying together in a shelter, hotel, or another temporary housing arrangement.
- If your family has to relocate on a seasonal basis.
- If any children living with you have chosen to leave their prior family or household.
If you believe children in your household meet these description of homeless, migrant, or runaway and have not been told your children will get free meals, please call or e-mail Tara Gonyer, 715-377-3700 or gonyertara@hudsonraiders.org.
Do I need to fill out an application for each child?
715-377-3717 or nutrition@hudsonraiders.org
Should I fill out an application if I received a letter this school year saying my children are already approved for free or reduced price meals?
Do I need to fill out an application if my child attends a community eligibility provision school (CEP)?
My child’s application was approved last year. Do I need to fill out a new one?
I get WIC. Can my children get free meals? Children in households participating in WIC may be eligible for free or reduced price meals. Please send in an application.
My child(ren) qualifies for Badgercare or Medicaid. Can my child get free meals? Children with BadgerCare Plus, Medicaid, or subsidized insurance may be eligible for free or reduced price meals, but it is based on income. Please send in an application.
Will the information I give be checked? We may also ask you to send written proof of the household income you report.
If I don’t qualify now, may I apply later? Yes, you may apply at any time during the school year. For example, children with a parent or guardian who becomes unemployed may become eligible for free and reduced price meals if the household income drops below the income limit.
What if I disagree with the school’s decision about my application? You should talk to school officials. You also may ask for a hearing by calling or writing to: Nick Ouellette, 644 Brakke Drive, Hudson, WI 54016, 715-377-3700 or ouelletten@hudsonraiders.org.
May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen? You, your children, or other household members do not have to be U.S. citizens to apply for free or reduced price meals.
What if my income is not always the same?
What if some household members have no income to report?
We are in the military. do we report our income differently?
What if there is not enough space on the application for my family? List any additional household members on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your application.
My family needs more help. Are there other programs we might apply for? To find out how to apply for FoodShare or other assistance benefits, contact your local assistance office or call 1-800-362-3002.
Please reach out to 715-377-3717 or nutrition@hudsonraiders.org with any questions or concerns.