2023-2024 District Goals

Areas of Focus

1) Our Students – Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment that provides equitable access, so all students fully participate in their academic and personal success.

  • 58% (approximately 94th%tile) of students in grades 3-11 will demonstrate proficiency in English Language Arts/Reading (compared to 56%).
  • 58% (approximately 92%tile) of students in grades 3-11 will demonstrate proficiency in Mathematics (compared to 56%).
  • Increase the percentage of students (Full Academic Year -FAY) proficient or advanced in English Language Arts by 2% across each of the following subgroups:
    • Disability (baseline 47%)
    • Race (baseline 39%)
    • Economically disadvantaged (baseline 33%)
    • English Language Learners (baseline 23%)
  • Increase the percentage of student (FAY) proficient or advanced in Mathematics by an average of 2% across each of the following subgroups:
    • Disability (baseline 30%)
    • Race (baseline 42%)
    • Economically disadvantaged (baseline 34%)
    • English Language Learners (baseline 22%)

2) Our Team – Recruiting, retaining, and supporting quality employees. 

  • Re-envision the onboarding and engagement processes, benefits and supports to more effectively retain certified staff upon completion of probation and support staff at the end of each school year. During the 2023-2024 school year, we will have 85% of 3rd year certified staff successfully complete probation and become non-probationary (does not apply to those who are not meeting expectations and will not be returning, layoffs, or reassignments/promotions). During the 2023-2024 school year, we will have 80% of support staff sign their letter of intent notifying the District that they plan to return for the 2024-2025 school year (does not apply to those who are not meeting expectations and will not be returning, layoffs, or reassignments/promotions).

3) Our Community – Ensuring that parents and community members are engaged and well informed. 

  • Consistent and engaging school-sponsored events create a positive impression on families and community, fostering a deeper understanding of the School District’s mission, vision, goals, and educational offerings. During the 2023-2024 school year, the Hudson School District will host events with the goal of 4,000 parent/community attendees. This goal excludes attendance at athletic and fine arts events.