Hudson High School
School Counselors

School counselors work to maximize student success, promoting access and equity for all students. As vital members of the school leadership team, school counselors create a school culture of success for all (from the American School Counselor Association). 

Katie Francis:          Last Names A-Col 

Jessica Siler:           Last Names Com-Han

Nathan Gehring:      Last Names Hao-K 

Lori Rossini:            Last Names L-N 

Ronni Hupp:            Last Names O-Sit 

                                       Last Names Siu-Z           

The Student Services Department includes the school counselors, school social worker, prevention coordinator and school psychologist. The purpose of our program is to address the needs of our students in a comprehensive manner so they will have the opportunity to continue developing the skills necessary to learn and grow. We work collaboratively to support all students in the following domains: academics, social/emotional learning, and career exploration.  We provide this support through individual meetings, small groups, and classroom instruction. We are available through phone contact, email and by appointment.  Please reach out for any questions or supports you may need. 



The School Counseling Program at Hudson High School is a collaborative effort involving students, staff members, parents, and the community. We provide support to all students with academic issues, educational and career planning as well as personal/social concerns. Students receive services through classroom instruction, small groups and individual meetings.

Classroom Instruction Small Groups Individual Meetings
9th Grade Depression Screening Grief Group Academic Support
Registration Strategies for test taking and studying Personal concerns
Senior Year Information New student Social support
Junior Year Information Family change Post-secondary planning
Sophomore Planning Meetings
Freshman Respect Retreat

Awards and Recognitions Class of 2024

The Class of 2024 will receive all awards and recognitions for the 2022 through the 2024 school year in May, this includes their academic pins and medallions based on their GPA.

Academic Pin Awards Class of 2025-2027

Academic pins for grades 9-12 are determined after Semester 1 of each year using cumulative G.P.A.  Grade Level Pin awarded for Honors of 3.5 G.P.A. or higher on a 4.0 scale

Senior Academic Awards Class of 2025-2027

All senior awards are based on Laude points and not solely G.P.A.  We will no longer award Gold or Silver Medallions based solely on GPA.

Deadline for all local scholarships is Thursday, February 29th at 3:00 pm.

On Thursday, January 25th, Student Services met with all seniors to talk through the Hudson High School Local Scholarships.

Just a few reminders 

  • “Turning in” the General Application (one time) will make you eligible for all of the scholarships within the General Application category that you qualify for
  • Separate Application section – Students must fulfill additional requirements as part of the individual scholarships.  Students must “turn in” each individual application for the scholarships they are applying to.
  • Other area scholarships may have different timelines for submission, please be sure to check these scholarships too!
  • Winners will be recognized and invited to attend the Senior Awards Night event on Wednesday, May 1st (more information to come)

As always, if any questions come up, please contact your School Counselor.


Early College Credit – Start College Now


Start College Now and Early College Credit information and links:
Deadline for applications:  Oct 1 and March 1.  Submit the completed application to Lori Rossini, School Counselor
Have your student see Lori Rossini, or their counselor, for questions and support regarding these college credit programs.  They will answer any questions they have and help them make course decisions and the impact to their course pathway at HHS.

Early College Credit Program – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION request.  Please use this form to request a letter of recommendation from  your counselor.  Thank you.

Current Student Transcript Request:

From Your Class Link select the Xello Icon and Log into your account (information given at your class meeting)

  1. From their Student Dashboard, under Goals & Plans, students click College Applications.
  2. From their list of institutions, they select the one to which they’d like their transcript sent.
  3. Under the Requirements Checklist they find Transcript.
  4. To the right, they click the three dot icon and select Request Transcript.

A banner at the top of the screen will indicate the request was sent.

For graduated HHS students, please complete this form:  Transcript Request Form

Counselor Letter of Recommendation request 

How to Make an Appointment

  • Students wanting to see a school counselor should schedule an appointment by clicking on the appropriate appointment link and are encouraged to schedule appointments during a study hall if they have one.  
  • Parents wanting to schedule an appointment should contact the student services office at 715-377-3803 or contact the appropriate student services staff member directly.

How to Access your ACT Scores online




  • TEENCARE – text – 715.505.4582 or Call – 1.800.491.8336

Confidential venting/talking/listening services, and parent resources

  • Hopeline – text “HOPELINE” TO 741741

Free text line for emotional support in Wisconsin

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1.800.273.TALK (8255)

Free confidential support for people in distress, prevention, and crisis

  • Northwest Connections Crisis Hotline (Crisis Mobile) 1.888.552.6642

Emergency mental health or alcohol/drug crisis assistance

  • The Trevor Project – 1.866.488.7386

Crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+

  • Speak Up Speak Out Wisconsin – call – 1.800.MY.SUSO (69.7876)

Confidential reporting resource

  • Go to the nearest Emergency Room
  • Call 9 – 1 – 1

Ask for a behavioral health worker

Click HERE for additional information about local resources (Public Health Resource Guide).