Hudson Middle School
Exploratories & Electives

Hudson Middle School operates on a 3 trimester year. Students in grades 6 & 7 are rotated each trimester through Exploratory classes in addition to their core classes. Students in 8th grade choose from a variety of electives. Students at all grade levels also complete required Special classes like Physical Education, Health, General Music, etc. Below is a list of Exploratory, Elective, and Special classes at each grade level.


6th Grade Exploratories & Specials 7th Grade Exploratories & Specials 8th Grade Electives & Specials
Art Art Art
Band Band Band
Chorus Business Ed Business Ed
Computer Sci Chorus Chorus
Family & Consumer Science Computer Sci Computer Sci
General Music Family & Consumer Science Family & Consumer Science
Health German German
Orchestra Health Health
Physical Education Orchestra Orchestra
Tech Ed Physical Education Physical Education
Spanish Spanish
Tech Ed Tech Ed