Hudson High School
2024-2025 School Year Scheduling

2024 – 2025 Schedule Change

Students who are wishing to request a schedule change must complete this form, no email schedule change requests will be accepted. You must fill out this form for each class you are wanting to change. This form will be available from Tuesday May 28th-Tuesday June 4th at 3pm.

Course Schedule Change Procedure

Students are to follow their schedule as is shown on Skyward.  No changes will be made prior to the first day of school.

Students will receive their schedules for the following year in May.  There are three schedule change request windows each year; the week after seniors graduate and the first 4 days of each semester.

During the schedule change request windows, students may drop any course and add another course in their schedule for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Planning on graduating early (completing all graduation requirements by the end of semester 1)
  • Out of course sequence (ex. Culinary 2 instead of Culinary 1)
  • Drop to a study hall
  • Meet graduation requirement
  • Need to support post-secondary pathway
  • Change a level (ex. AP US History to American Studies)
  • Add On the Job Training (OJT) or Youth Apprenticeship (YA)

Scheduling changes will only be considered if there is availability in the class and it does not create an uneven balance in sections. Students must submit the Schedule Change Request form to process a request as the use of email will not be considered for this purpose.

Schedule change requests to OJT or YA may include student release if made during the spring window.  Student release will not be granted with requests made during the first or second semester windows.  

Schedule change requests during the first four school days of each semester may include switching and/or adding courses with no grade penalty.  

Students have the first 10 school days of each semester to drop a course to a study hall without academic penalty.   Dropping a course after this timeframe will result in a failing (F) grade.  Two or more study halls during a semester is prohibited.

Incoming Freshman – Open House & Information Meeting

We would like to invite you and your student to the high school auditorium on Monday, December 4th from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. for an Academic Career Planning (ACP) discussion, open house and registration meeting.  The Hudson High School counselors will be meeting with students planning to attend Hudson High School in December to begin their transition to high school.  Students will be presented with detailed course selection information for freshman year. After the initial information is presented, students and families will have one week to select courses and counselors will return to assist students in completing the actual online request process.


Schedule changes may affect college admissions decisions. Before changing a schedule, it is the student’s responsibility to check with the admissions office of any college to which he/she has applied or been accepted to, to see if the change will affect admission standing.


Please see your school counselor for questions you may have regarding scheduling.