2024-2025 District Goals

Areas of Focus

Our Students – Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment that provides equitable access, so all students fully participate in their academic and personal success.

  • 62% of students in grades 3-11 will demonstrate proficiency in English Language Arts/Reading. (Compared to 60%)
  • 64% of students in grades 3-11 will demonstrate proficiency in Mathematics. (Compared to 62%)
  • Increase the percentage of students (attending a full academic year) proficient or advanced in English Language Arts by 2% across each of the following subgroups: disability (Baseline 25%), race (Baseline 46%), and economically disadvantaged (Baseline 44%).
  • Increase the percentage of students (attending a full academic year) proficient or advanced in Mathematics by 2% across each of the following subgroups: disability (Baseline 27%), race (Baseline 49%), and economically disadvantaged (Baseline 48%).

Our Team – Recruiting, retaining, and supporting quality employees.

  • Enhance and refine our onboarding processes for new staff to increase retention and to promote a positive culture focusing on the movement from a general understanding terms and conditions of employment to cultural connection and engagement as demonstrated by a quarterly survey administered to new staff. Based on initial responses in October, we will refine and implement strategies resulting in a net 20% increase in staff feeling they know what is expected of them in their role and feel part of the District community.

Our Community – Ensuring that parents and community members are engaged and will informed.

  • Strengthen existing community connection efforts and provide opportunities to reach untapped constituencies for input into the School District’s operational referendum and strategic planning process. The School District will hold at least six in-person community meetings with a target attendance of 300 constituents total during the 2024-2025 school year.


We are dedicated to developing caring and contributing community members. We are collectively committed to providing a rigorous, student-centered environment to ensure equitable experiences for all students.


The Hudson School District empowers all students to cultivate their talents, embrace their passions, and leverage their learning to impact the world around them.

Value Statements

  • Student-Centered – The focus of our decisions
  • Community – Sense of acceptance, belonging, and safety
  • Empathy – Understanding and respecting others
  • Collaboration – Collective commitment to common interests and goals
  • Integrity – Honesty and consistency of character
  • Contribution – Mindset of service
  • Purpose – Intentional and determined pursuit of achievement