Quiz Bowl is an academic competition team that competes against teams in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and worldwide in tournaments on Thursdays and weekends. Tournaments consist of a variety of formats with questions coming from all areas of academia (history, science, literature, philosophy, psychology, mathematics, art, music, and more!) as well as current events, politics, business, and whatever is in the news! We have a lot of fun at our practices and competitions. New players are welcome year-round–join anytime!
Important Dates:
- We practice on Mondays after school in E116 (Dr. Naujok’s lab).
- Tournaments take place on Thursday evenings 4 times a year, and on multiple Saturdays throughout the year. Students choose whether to compete, and when they are able to compete in teams.
- Students are also welcome to just come to practice and have fun; competition is not required of students.