Budget Planning – 2024

Thank you to the 170 community members, parents and staff who joined the Community Conversation on Budget Challenges. Your time and feedback is much appreciated by the Board of Education and administration as they continue to make budgeting decisions.

Community Conversation Group Feedback from January 7, 2025.

The Board of Education has begun conversations on how they can best ensure our students continue to have, and our staff is able to provide, a quality learning experience.  On January 7, 2025, the Hudson School District is asking the community to give their feedback on potential budget cuts, including the impact of closing one or two elementary schools, and the community’s support for an operational referendum that would allow the School District to exceed the revenue cap.

The School District’s Teacher Advisory Committee (TAC) and Administration came together to share their feedback on the impact of potential budget cuts and elementary school closures. The following document provides a summary of this feedback and all the comments from each work group. This feedback does NOT prioritize potential cuts. It is meant to provide information to the Board of Education on how each potential item would likely impact students, staff and the community.

We want you to join the conversation:

  • What: Community Conversation on Budget Challenges
  • When: January 7, 2025 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Where: Hudson Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Why is the Hudson School District facing a budget challenge?

State policy limits school district spending. School funding comes from a combination of state aid and local property taxes that has a set revenue limit and caps the amount of money a district can spend per student each year.

  • Since 2010, revenue limits or caps have not kept pace with inflation. As a result, the Hudson School District’s revenue has fallen farther and farther behind the basic expenses needed to operate our schools.
  • Lower student enrollment means lower state aid. Data has shown the decline in student enrollment is tied to lower birth rates and the decline of families with school-age children moving into the School District.