Summer School Age Care & Summer Swim Instructor/Lifeguard Positions
Or apply on WECAN at:
The Human Resources Department serves the Hudson School District by establishing, developing, recognizing, and maintaining a quality work force. Our Human Resources staff are responsible for employee recruitment, screening, and hiring for all School District position vacancies. Additionally, Human Resources provides administrative, technical, and clerical coordination of personnel transactions; including reassignments, transfers, reclassifications, and labor relations.
Employment Opportunities (click here to see more about joining the Hudson School District)
If you are looking for an exciting, challenging opportunity to grow your career, don’t wait — apply today!
- Certified Staff Positions: Create an account and apply in WECAN (click here to start).
- Support Staff Positions: Use this simple Google Application (click here) or create an account and apply in WECAN (click here).
- Athletic/Activity Positions: Use this simple Google Application (click here) or create an account and apply in WECAN (click here).
- Food Service Positions (Chartwells):
Important Health Coverage Tax Documents – Change in Distribution of 1095-C
In December 2024, all staff who qualified for health insurance were given an option through Employee Access to choose whether they wanted to receive the 2024 1095-C electronically or in paper form. The 1095-C form is an annual statement employers must provide to employees who qualify for health insurance, even if coverage is waived.
The IRS adopted a new law requiring employers to post this notice of availability and then distribute the forms upon request only.
There are three ways to request your 1095-C:
- Call Lori Williquett, Benefits Specialist at 715.377.3704; ext. 8037
- Email Lori Williquett at
- Send your request to Hudson School District, 644 Brakke Drive, Hudson, WI 54016
Welcome Packets
- Welcome New Certified Employees
- Welcome New Support Employees
- Welcome New Guest Employees
- Benefits Overview 2024-2025
Staff Resources
- 2024-2025 Certified Employee Handbook
- 2024-2025 Support Employee Handbook
- 2024-2025 Support Staff Salary Grid
- 2024-2025 Payroll Schedules & Benefit Deductions
- HepB Vaccine Declination Form
Substitute Resources
Staff Training
Commonly Used Staff Resources
If you are looking for training, professional development and other commonly used staff resources (Skyward Employee Access, My Learning Plan, Field Trip Forms, etc.) – please click on your Class Link account here to access.
Background Check Authorization Form (click here)
The Hudson School District requires a background check for all staff, substitutes, volunteers, interns, and student teachers.
Employee Wellness
Providing opportunities for Hudson School District (HSD) employees to participate in health and wellness activities is important to recruiting and retaining staff. Health and wellness is also critical in sustaining the School District’s health benefits.
HSD employees are limited to using the Fitness Center during community hours unless the activity is related to a School District sponsored activity or event for employees.