Facility Construction & Maintenance Projects

Hudson Middle School

The renovated houses look great and allow for a lot more passive supervision.

What is going on behind the wall? The temporary walls block off the construction area were classroom casework and countertops have been demoed. The following are also in the process of being demoed: wall electrical, ceiling lights, plumbing fixtures and piping in the bathrooms, flooring, acoustical ceilings, and bathroom accessories.


EP Rock Elementary School

February 14, 2025

This week’s installations included: cubbies, classroom doors, bathroom tile, plumbing finishes, and polishing of the terrazzo floors.


Things are moving along at EP Rock. Bathrooms renovations are in full swing, installing larger windows that bring more natural light into the classrooms, and new cabinetry and carpeting.

During the week of January 17th, exterior framing, interior gypsum install, soffit framing, and electrical rough ins were completed. Corridor rough ins were started in anticipation of future phases.

Work is underway to complete interior framing and starting exterior framing. Other work includes electrical, ductwork, plumbing rough in and drywall painting.

During the week of December 6th, EP Rock construction included the demo of door and window openings. The underground electrical rough ins have begun and continued HVAC demo.

Demo of the plaster ceilings and block walls in the construction area have begun. Additional demo of lighting, ductwork, and ceiling piping.

North Hudson Elementary School

February 21, 2025

This week the progress is definitely more visible in the classrooms of our interior phase. Carpet, paint, casework, and exterior windows are all wrapping up this week. Along with the new boilers being installed in the existing mechanical mezzanine. As for the addition, brick veneer installation continues. The progress is hard to see from outside due to the sheltering put up to allow work to continue even with the cold temps from this past week. More piping has been installed for the new bathrooms of the addition. The mechanical, electrical, and plumbing trades have been working on laying out and coordinating their systems in this area as well.


February 14, 2025

This week we are focused on installing finishes in the classrooms of our interior phase. Casework, light fixtures, and diffusers are all being installed. Patching and painting is wrapping up in the classrooms, and ceiling tile and carpet installation will begin next week. As for the addition, the masons are continuing to work on installing brick veneer and the plumbers are beginning piping in the new bathrooms. We prepped the gymnasium to pour the concrete slab, but the pour date will be weather dependent.

January 24, 2025

This week on the interior phase we completed cutting and demoing the exterior masonry for the new louver openings within the classrooms. The mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression contractors continued installing their new systems to push closer to finishing up all above ceiling work. The masons continued installing brick veneer on the south elevation of the addition and laid up the interior CMU walls for the mechanical rooms.

January 17, 2025

This week in our interior phase as demolition continues, we began cutting openings for the classroom borrowed lite frames. The electrical, mechanical, and plumbing contractors are still working on laying out and installing their new ducts, piping, conduit, and equipment. On the exterior of the addition, we are making progress with our spray foam insulation and brick veneer. Inside the gym pipe hangers are being installed to get a head start on the overhead mechanical work within the space.

January 3, 2025

This week at North Hudson, the construction has transitioned from interior phase two to phase three. Work has moved on to the next set of classrooms to remodel. Demolition of ceiling grid and tile, light fixtures, and ductwork. For the new addition the masons are continuing brick veneer, spray foam insulation is being applied, and the high gym roof is being completed.

December 13, 2024

North Hudson classrooms are getting new casework and new exterior windows have been installed in the classrooms. Great progress was made on the CMU walls for the gym addition. The steel erectors continued to set structural steel and decking for the new bathrooms and media center area.

November 22, 2024

This was an exciting week as we completed setting the beams and bar joists for the new media center and gym! More progress was made on the CMU walls both for the addition and in the new interior changing rooms. Our mechanical, electrical, and plumbing contractors kept working on the behind-the-scenes aspects of the classrooms, changing rooms, and corridor; installing new piping, ductwork, and electrical conduit.

November 15, 2024

This week the south gym wall was completed. The site was prepared for setting the gym bar joists which is scheduled for next week. More window blocking was installed on the gym windows. On the interior, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing contractors kept working on installing new systems in the classrooms and mechanical rooms.

November 8, 2024: Construction project highlights from this week included completing the north gym wall for the addition and continuing concrete masonry unit installation for the north media center wall.

The floor cut outs were poured back after the underground plumbing installation was completed.
The electricians completed their underground electrical rough ins for the media center in the addition.
Lastly, our mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection contractors continued interior work throughout the five classrooms.

November 1, 2024: Work focused on finishing the West gym wall for the new addition and continuing the north walls, installing the fire suppression system throughout the corridor and in the classrooms, and cutting out the floor in the custodian’s office to be able to start installing underground plumbing within the existing building.

October 21, 2024: The gym walls are beginning to rise up and classroom remodels are underway one section at a time.

This week the masons continued installing CMU to build the structural walls of the new gym addition. The plumbers are continuing to install underground plumbing to serve the new bathrooms for the addition. The electricians are continuing to install in wall electrical conduit within the new structural walls.

On the interior of the building demolition continues, openings have been cut out for future borrowed lites, and new walls have been put up in existing classrooms.


October 14, 2024:

Hudson Middle School and North Hudson and EP Rock Elementary Schools Construction Update

The School District is excited to begin construction projects at Hudson Middle School, North Hudson Elementary, and EP Rock Elementary Schools this fall. The community approved these capital projects in April 2023. The initial bids came in over budget. This past spring, the School District decided to rebid the projects. The spring bids provided a more favorable timeline, resulting in a savings of roughly four million dollars. 

North Hudson Elementary held its groundbreaking ceremony on September 10th. During the next several months, construction will focus on the two-stage gymnasium and media center addition. Work will also begin on updating the building’s utility service. Remodeling of the classrooms and other interior spaces is scheduled to start in January. 

Keeping students and staff safe throughout the construction process is a priority. Protective fencing has been installed outside, and temporary partition walls will close off access to classrooms while they are updated. The partitions will minimize noise, dust, and other disruptions, ensuring the learning environment has minimal impact. The project team is committed to maintaining safety and limiting interference with daily school activities as we progress with building improvements.

At Hudson Middle School, the construction focus has shifted to interior improvements. The media center has been updated with new furniture and shelving, providing students and staff with a more functional and inviting learning environment. The improvements also allow for individual study and collaborative learning with flexible seating. 

Planning continues at EP Rock Elementary, with actual construction beginning in January. 

All three projects will be completed by the fall of 2025.

Long-Term Facility Maintenance Planning History

In April of 2023, the Hudson community voted to approve a $29,000,000 capital referendum for the facility and grounds improvements to the EP Rock and North Hudson Elementary Schools and the Hudson Middle School and equipment acquisition related to said projects.