Hudson Middle School
MS Band & Orchestra

Band Open House – April 2025 – (Date & Time TBD)

Do you have questions about the Middle School Band program? The Middle School is hosting an Open House event to answer your questions. This is an opportunity to see the band room and meet the teachers. You can also get instrument rental information from both Eckroth and Schmitt music vendors. Please enter through the Middle School Multi-Purpose doors (Door M7) on the north side of the building.

Instrument Information

  • All instruments (either obtained through a music store or Middle School instrument) will be given to students at their 1st day of Band Camp.
  • If you obtain an instrument BEFORE camp, please do not let your child try to play the instrument before receiving instruction at camp.
  • If you are planning to use a previously owned instrument, please bring it to a reputable music store to have it evaluated by one of the technicians.
  • If you are purchasing an instrument anywhere other than Eckroth or Schmitt Music, please contact Mr. Syman before purchasing.

Summer Band Camp

  • Students will receive instruction at the High School from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Monday – Friday.
  • Band Camp is August 11-15, 2025
  • During the 4-hour period, students will take part in full band rehearsals, small group lessons, and present a final concert.
  • If you child is unable to attend camp, please send an email to Mr. Syman at so he can let you know about alternative instruction opportunities your child can do before the school year begins.
  • Registration information to come.
  • Students who go to camp will be receiving 20 hours of instruction before school even begins, and it is highly encouraged that students attend this camp. This is when students will receive instrument too!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain an instrument?

You can rent through Eckroth or Schmitt Music or you can buy an instrument. If your student is renting an Oboe, French Horn, Euphonium, or Tuba, they will rent through the School District for $33/trimester. If your family is not in a financial position to rent an instrument, please email Mr. Syman at

How does band work in my child’s schedule?

Students attend band class every other day, on the opposite day they have a PAT (study hall) or another music class. Students also have a lesson once every six school days for 15 minutes.

How do concerts work?

All band students have three (3) concerts throughout the school year. One concert happens every trimester.


Why should your child be in band?

What Instrument could I play?

The Middle School Band consists of two 6th grade bands, two 7th grade bands, one 8th grade band and a combined 7th/8th grade Jazz Ensemble.


Band is a full year course. Students are expected to complete the entire year in which they begin. However, due to scholastic needs in other areas, a schedule change may be prudent at the end of a trimester. This will be done through consultation with the music teacher, the parent(s), a counselor or associate principal, and the student.

If a concert is scheduled soon after the trimester concludes, students are expected to participate in that concert in order to fulfill their responsibility to the ensemble.