School counselors are certified/licensed educators who improve student success for ALL students by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program. School counselors deliver developmentally appropriate activities and services directly to students or indirectly for students as a result of the school counselor’s interaction with others. These activities and services help students develop the ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success and improve their achievement, attendance and discipline. Through the school counseling program, school counselors ensure equitable academic, career and social/emotional development opportunities for all students.
Direct services are in-person interactions between school counselors and students and include classroom guidance, small group support, and individual support. Indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the school counselors’ interactions with other stakeholders including consultation, collaboration, and referrals.
Students wanting to see a school counselor are encouraged to schedule an appointment through the main office. Families desiring to meet with a school counselor are asked to call 715-377-3820 and ask for the appropriate grade level school counselor or building level school counselor. We are also available through email and appointments, if needed. Please reach out to your child’s grade level school counselor or building level school counselor for any questions or support you may need.