Willow River Elementary
Homeless Resources

Rights and Resources for Students Experiencing Homelessness

Students Have the Right to:

  • Immediate school enrollment – even if they lack proof of residency, guardianship, immunizations, or school records.
  • School choice – students may choose to stay at the school attended when permanently housed or to enroll in the school where currently living for the remainder of the academic year.
  • Free lunches – homeless students are automatically eligible to receive free lunch for the duration of the school year.
  • School fee waivers – students have the right to equal access to education.
  • Transportation – while students are actively homeless, transportation is provided for the students attending outside of their school’s attendance area.

What is Homelessness?

Students living in situations that are not fixed, regular, or adequate for nighttime residence may be considered “homeless.”

Examples may include: living in a shelter; living in a motel, hotel or campground due to lack of adequate housing; sharing housing with relatives or others due to lack of housing; living at a train or bus station, a park, or in a car; living in an abandoned building; a youth not living with a parent or guardian; a child/youth awaiting foster care placement; a child/youth migrant worker.

Homelessness Grievance Procedure & Form
