The smiles on these young learners faces say it all! North Hudson students and staff are thrilled to be back!
The smiles on these young learners faces say it all! North Hudson students and staff are thrilled to be back!
7th grade students, Ronan and Boone, demonstrate their cooperative learning and problem solving skills with gummy worms & gummy lifesavers while “Saving Sam” during their 7th Grade Pathways class.
Volleyball spent some team building time creating tie dye t-shirts in advance of tonight’s scrimmage with Prescott. Good luck!
Parents – you can see your child’s schedule after 4:00 PM as they have in the past and see your child’s schedule on the left side column in Skyward.
Student schedules will be available to view through Skyward Family Access Friday (8/13) afternoon around 4:00pm. Please read through the following helpful information about your schedule.
Student schedules will only be available if Online Registration has been completed. Online Registration is required each year of enrollment. You can complete registration in Skyward Family Access. If you need assistance, please contact Hudson Middle School by calling (715) 377-3820 or emailing Kelly Paul.
Students must log in through Classlink to get to their Skyward account. Please make sure your child is logging into Classlink with this link here . If your child doesn’t remember his/her password to log into Classlink, please call 715-377-3709. We are not able to send password resets via email communication. We are receiving many requests for student resets so please note that if you have to leave a voicemail, you may not receive a call back right away as we are responding in the order of the requests received. Parents as a reminder, families will continue to access the Skyward Family Access with the same username and password that has been used in the past. If you have any issues signing in to Skyward Family Access, please call the middle school office at 715-377-3820.
Directions for logging into Classlink:
If your child sees a window that looks like the one below, click on the green Google button. Do not enter anything in the username/password boxes.
Your Grade Level House is connected to your Advisor assignment. Below is a list of each House Team and the connected Advisors.
Click here to see Advisors by Grade Level and House
Are you looking for rewarding work? The Hudson School District has multiple full and part-time positions open. Whether you enjoy working directly with children or working behind the scenes – we have something for you! Click here to learn more about the the opportunities that are waiting for you!
Questions? Our Human Resources Department is here to help – 715.377.3706 or text RaiderProud to 833.222.1216