Shout out to the our elementary school counselors who were recently recognized as WSCA 2022 Equity in Action Award recipients.
Elementary School Counselors Sarah Flier, Anna Lurndal, Chris Strop, Aria Krieser, Kristen Ziebol, and Kelly Curtis have been recognized as the 2022 Equity In Action Award winners. This award is meant to recognize school counselors who have made significant contributions to the advancement of equity in education for students in Wisconsin. The Hudson Team was recognized in November 2021 at the Wisconsin School Counselor Association’s Annual Conference, which takes place each November in the Wisconsin Dells.
The Hudson counselors are data driven- looking for gaps in academic and behavioral performance. They address these areas with targeted interventions to help make school more equitable and accessible for all. The Hudson counselors serve as building leaders in Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), and equity teams. By creating district-wide empowerment practices such as ‘Peaceful Playgrounds’ and ‘Stop/Walk/Talk’ the Hudson counselors have helped all students know what to do when faced with disrespectful situations. The Hudson counselors lean into the uncomfortable and are not afraid to have the tough conversations. As a team they have facilitated two parent conversations about race, one in the summer 2020 and one as a book club in spring 2021. Additionally, the team’s commitment to data informed work has earned them a total of eleven Program of Promise Awards from the Wisconsin School Counselor Association.
Every year the Wisconsin School Counselor Association recognizes individuals within the school counseling profession who demonstrate profound impact on the school counseling profession and lives of students. Nominations for the Equity In Action Award are submitted to the Wisconsin School Counselor Association Professional Recognition & Scholarship Committee and are rated by a committee of active and retired school counselors. Award recipients are determined based on their demonstrated leadership, advocacy, and collaboration to achieve systemic change to create equitable practices in their school community. The organization selects one school counselor or counseling team to receive this award.
About the Wisconsin School Counselor Association
School Counselors are essential to the lifelong learning and success of all students. Our vision is for Wisconsin to be the model for excellence in equitable school counseling practice, exemplified by the advocacy, leadership, and expertise of the members of the WSCA. Focused on providing quality professional development opportunities, supporting comprehensive school counseling programs, and giving one voice to professional school counselors, WSCA is dedicated to empowering school counselors throughout the state. For additional information about WSCA visit www.wscaweb.org