As Staff Appreciation Week draws to a close, we want to take this opportunity to give a public shout-out to the amazing individuals who serve our students, families, and community in the Hudson School District each day.
Our custodial team works around the clock to ensure our schools are clean, safe and comfortable. Each custodian is responsible for approximately 30,000 square feet of building space each day. More than the spaces they clean, they provide a welcoming smile to students and staff.
By 6:00 AM, the School Age Care team opens our elementary doors to children who need care before the school day starts. They greet the child who just wants another hour of sleep with compassion. They enthusiastically engage the child who is wide-eyed and ready to shoot hoops.
Before the schools come alive with student voices, our Nutrition Services staff are busy preparing breakfast and planning for lunch. They serve an average of 1,400 breakfasts and 2,600 lunches each day. When you are running on empty and need a brain break, the Nutrition team is ready to serve.
As the students arrive, support staff are busy answering student and parent questions. They assist with finding and delivering classroom resources, logging absences and connecting students with the items they forgot at home that were delivered by parents. Payroll, accounts receivable, employee benefits, bussing, interviews, background checks, distribution of classroom materials, registration of students – an endless list of job duties that support over 800 staff and 5,400 students. It’s a whirlwind of responsibilities that are calmly managed.
The day’s main event is the learning and connections developed in the classroom. Dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, Instructional Technology staff, and administrators serve students in concert with each other. Their goal is to empower all students to cultivate their talents, embrace their passions, and leverage their learning to impact the world around them.
The learning and activities do not end when the last bell rings for the day. Some elementary students return to School Age Care, and students across the District participate in club and athletic activities. There are Community Education classes, community youth sports fill our gyms and fields, and those who want to get in a workout enjoy the Raider Fitness Center. These activities could not occur without the coaches, advisors, and support staff who work evenings and weekends.
And when 10:00 PM finally arrives, there is a small but mighty crew of custodians once again preparing schools for the next day.