The entire staff, administration, and Board of Education wish all the best to the Class of 2022!
HHS Valedictorian
My name is Elizabeth Yray and I will be attending UW-Madison next year for pre-med! Even though I’m super excited for the next step, it’s bittersweet leaving the kids I’ve been going to school with since kindergarten. Some of my favorite memories of high school are from school dances and pep fests. These are my favorite because they are the times where you spend time with people you don’t usually spend time with. They are the times that no one has to worry about friend groups and cliques and we are all just having fun. My advice to incoming freshmen is to not to let expectations dictate your high school experience. There is so much to experience but you will never get to experience it if you stay in your comfort zone. If you go into everything with an open mind, you may surprise yourself and have fun with things you didn’t expect to. You never would have known if you didn’t have an open mind. That advice will be further explained in my speech as well as talking about the memories that tie us all together.
Senior Class President
My name is Blake Buchholz, I will forever be grateful for my time here at Hudson High School. Some of my fondest memories come from everyday things that happen in classrooms, especially hearing teachers’ stories. My favorite is the story of Mr. Gamache’s shop teacher being picked up from school by a helicopter and never returning. Hudson has been a place where I have got to see my passion come alive and feel inspired. This has been done through developing authentic connections with both students and staff that all have so much to offer. Next year, I’m attending the University of Southern California for Public Relations where I will hopefully be continuing to feel this passion. My advice to incoming freshmen would be to get yourself involved within the school. There is so much that can be learned and lasting friendships that can be formed if you are willing to try something new and be okay with the potential failure. Some themes in my speech to look out for are a reflection of the past that has shaped us to who we are and looking towards the future with decisions led by passion.
Seniors spent their last day visiting the elementary schools they attended.