Dr. Nick Ouellette, Superintendent of the Hudson School District, was elected to a three-year term on the executive committee of AASA, the National School Superintendent Association.
Founded in 1865, AASA serves as the nation’s premier organization for public school district leadership, representing thousands of school system leaders throughout the United States.
The 22-member committee, elected by the AASA governing board, represents each region of the country. The committee meets quarterly and conducts the ongoing business of the organization.
“Having experience in a variety of district sizes and settings throughout my career provides me with a great understanding of the many challenges facing districts around our region,” said Dr. Ouellette. “Fostering deep relationships with public school leaders has provided me with a true understanding of what others are going through and increases my ability to offer support.”
Dr. Ouellette served as Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators (WASDA) President from 2022 to 2023, and has served on their Board of Directors since 2016. He has been a passionate AASA Governing Board member since 2018.