The Hudson School District is accepting Requests For Proposals to acquire resources for any or all of the following classes: A.P. Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1, Calculus 2, A.P. Calculus AB, A.P. Calculus BC, Intermediate Algebra, remedial or intervention materials for Algebra and Geometry, Data Science, and Computer Programming.
As part of our Curriculum Improvement Process, we have identified the need for a comprehensive curriculum for the above high school courses. The Hudson School District has one high school with 1,700 students.
Hudson School District Mission: We are dedicated to developing caring and contributing community members. We are collectively committed to providing a rigorous, student-centered environment to ensure equitable experiences for all students.
What is the projected timeline of the RFP, and what does it entail? This three-phase process runs as follows:
- Phase 1: Vendors submit one complete set of sample materials for relevant courses, and a written summary of no more than two pages delineating their product’s alignment with the criteria listed below no later than December 2nd. The sample materials should include all teacher and student resources, both hard copy and electronic. Complete and return this Vendor Submission Form no later than November 25th, 2024, indicating your request to participate.
- Phase 2: The district will conduct a preliminary review of the materials provided to determine finalists. If chosen as a finalist, Hudson School District will communicate your assigned presentation time slot on or around January 20, 2025, along with directions to the presentation meeting room.
- Phase 3: Finalists will be invited to offer a 45-minute presentation describing the alignment of their product with our outlined needs.
The team will begin meeting in the winter of the 24-25 school year, with a decision before the end of March 2025. We are projecting implementation in the fall of the 25-26 school year.
The following criteria will be used to select what resource the District decides to use for this initiative, and vendors should come prepared to show how their product(s) meet these desired outcomes:
- Standards Aligned: Supports the standards and learning targets (objectives) of the curricular offering in which the material is used.
- Vertical Alignment: Scope and sequence of course materials builds adequate learning outcomes for future math courses.
- Developmental Appropriateness: Appropriate for the age, emotional, and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
- Research-Based/Factual: Meets high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.
- Student Materials: Engaging and user-friendly, with easy navigation to lessons and resources for students. Contains both printable and online practice materials. Practice materials contain a spiral review of content.
- Instructional Strategies: Allows for, encourages, and supports using multiple instructional strategies (ie. collaborative work and math software).
- Social Emotional Learning: Assessments and activities foster natural opportunities to teach our prioritized social emotional competencies.
- Teacher Agency: Allows for teacher agency and discretion in delivery methods to responsively meet the needs of students.
- Strategic Plan Alignment: Supports the educational Vision, Values, and Mission of the District and the objectives of the curricular offering in which the materials will be used.
- Professional Learning: Includes a well-developed professional learning plan to support teachers and administrators with successful implementation and continuous growth.
- Teacher Materials: Materials are user-friendly and arranged in a logical order. Teacher support resources include adult-level explanations and access to examples and additional resources. Materials include editable practice and instructional videos.
- Formative: High-quality formative assessments (e.g. tasks, open-ended questions, project-based, observational, etc) are provided for assessing student learning and informing instructional decision-making.
- Summative: High-quality standards-based assessments (e.g. tasks, open-ended questions, project-based, observational, etc) are provided for assessing student learning and informing instructional decision-making for each topic. Rubrics are present to support determining proficiency.
- Assessment Efficiency: Existing assessments are streamlined and allow for efficient analysis.
- Differentiation/Accessibility: Materials reflect a variety of ways to differentiate instruction and model content to support all learners. Resource design and features facilitate readability for a broad group of users. The resource is developed with universal design principles and accessibility guidelines in mind. Includes materials in Spanish and offers the text-to-speech feature.
- Diverse Perspectives: Presents a variety of factual points of view.
- Representation: Provide windows (seeing others’ experiences), mirrors (seeing oneself) & doors (opportunity to immerse oneself into another’s lived experience). Illustrations portray people from a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
If your company is invited to the finalist phase, please be prepared to provide 25 copies of a written summary of service offerings and hardware specifications, including but not limited to the physical and virtual resources.
Vendors should come prepared to share purchase cost information. Each service should be separated out when providing pricing, so the district has the ability to red-line unwanted services.
Please be aware that this is a Request for Proposal and not a competitive bid. The terms and conditions of this proposal are as follows:
- The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.
- The District may waive any irregularities or informalities and select what is most advantageous to the District.
- The District may render the proposal invalid due to unauthorized modifications of specification forms or terms.
All proposals and information therein, or attached thereto, will become public record upon presentation to the Hudson School District.
Bidder’s Ethics and Collusion:
Collusive Bidding: Any vendor that submits more than one proposal in such a manner as to make it appear that one of the proposals submitted is competitive with that of a different bidder, or any two or more vendors that agree to fix their respective proposals in such a manner as to be awarded the contract shall be disqualified from further consideration of award of this contract and shall be subject to any applicable penalties under the law.
Bribery: Any vendor that attempts to influence a District official to award this contract to such bidder’s companies by promising to provide or by providing to such District official any gratuity, entertainment, commission, or any other gift, in exchange for a promise to award the contract to the company they are representing shall be disqualified from further consideration of award of this contract and shall be subject to any applicable penalties under the law.
Conflict of Interest: Any vendor that knows of any District official having a direct or indirect financial interest in such a bidder’s company shall be required to submit a written statement detailing such interest. Failure to disclose a known such financial interest shall result in the proposer’s company being disqualified from further consideration of award of this contract.
The District is not liable for any costs incurred by the vendor prior to the issuance of any agreement, contracts, or purchase orders and will not pay for information solicited or obtained in response to the RFP. The information obtained will be utilized solely to determine the suitability of the products and services offered. Subsequent procurement, if any, will be in accordance with the appropriate rules and regulations.
The RFP does not commit the District to pay any cost incurred in the preparation or submission of any proposal or to procure or contract any services.
Send or email completed requests to:
Hudson School District, Attn: Laura Mlynarczyk, 644 Brakke Dr, Hudson, WI 54016 OR mlynarlb@hudsonraiders.org
Questions regarding this RFP can be directed to:
Laura Mlynarczyk, Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning