Senior Tech Club Learns About Emergency & Medical Information Settings

Senior citizens and National Honor Society members listing to IT presentation.

At the December Senior Tech Club meeting, members wore their favorite festive attire and brought some holiday treats. Time was spent learning how to set up emergency and medical information on their cell phones. The Senior Tech Club members were joined by 15 National Honor Society students who provided individualized support for senior members!

If you would like to learn more about Senior Tech Club, contact the School District’s IT Department at 715.377.3709


A group holding up welcome signs.
Hudson High School is hosting 20 students and 2 teachers from German through November 9, 2023. The students are here as part of the German American Partnership Program GAPP.
The GAPP program is designed to inspire global understanding, promote German language instruction, and foster new and lasting relationships between the U.S. and Germany.
This past summer, HHS students visited Germany as part of the this exchange program.

Congratulations HMS/HHS All State Honor Musicians

All state honor band and orchestra on the stage.

Excellent representation of our Hudson Middle and High School band and orchestra students who participated in the All State Honor Band/Orchestra. Hudson had eight students invited to participate. Having one student participate is quite rare, but 8 is amazing! Congratulations HHS students Ben B (featured Orchestra clarinet soloist), Graham C. (featured in WI State Percussion Ensemble), Dylan S., James Q., Ben W., and HMS students Carly M., Kyra Reierson, and Tyler S. #WeAreRaiderProud

HMS WEB Orientation Builds Community

WEB orientation activities.

So many excited faces as our 6th grade students participated in their WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) orientation led by our amazing 8th Grade WEB leaders! Welcome 6th graders! We’re glad you’re here!

HMS WEB transition programming is based on a national model that welcomes 6th graders and helps to make them feel comfortable throughout the first year of middle school.

Wishing all of HMS students an awesome 2023-2024 school year!

WEB orientation activities. WEB orientation activities. WEB orientation activities.

Girls Tennis Having a Fantastic Season!

Anna Runck reaching for the hit in tennis.

Hudson Raider Girls Tennis team is having a fantastic season! The team has won 15 matches up against only three losses so far this year.

The teams most recent tournament was the Menomonie Invite. The team won all 5 matches they played defeating conference rivals River Falls 7-0, New Richmond 4-3 Menomonie 5-2 and two other teams.

Coach Steve Grosz said the following: “The team has really rallied around the motto of Respect All, Fear None. With only two of the top 10 players returning from last years varsity team, many new players have had the opportunity to step into the starting lineup and are representing Hudson with honor and pride. We hope to see you at a future Raider tennis match.” #WeAreRaiderProud

Group of tennis players seated near the net.

River Crest Classroom Placement

Classroom Placement

Dear River Crest Families,

We are happy to connect with you as we begin the process of welcoming you to the 2023-2024 School Year at River Crest Elementary! The first step of our Welcome Back is connecting you with your child’s homeroom teacher for the school year which will be available to view in Skyward Family Access on Thursday, July 27th starting at 9:00 am. Please be reminded that a great deal of thought goes into the design of an effective learning community. Input from parents, classroom teachers, specialists, our school counselor and principal are all taken into consideration when making this decision as well as the following criteria:

  • Gender balance
  • Range of abilities
  • Special needs
  • Flexible grouping options
  • Student learning styles
  • Separation of students with behavior conflicts
  • Balancing class sizes to fall within School District guideline recommendations

Here are our grade level teams for 2023-2024. You will be getting an introductory letter from your child(ren)’s teacher in the next few weeks to get to know a little more about them.

To view teacher assignments in Skyward Family Access:

  1. Go to and log in to Skyward (upper left corner).
  2. Click on the Schedule button on the left side of your screen halfway down.
  3. Your child’s homeroom teacher for the 2023-2024 school year will be shown under Period 1 of the schedule. (Please note: this won’t be viewable if you have not completed the annual registration process).

Online Registration and Transportation Requests

Bussing information will be mailed out 2 weeks prior to the first day of school for those families that have requested transportation when completing the Annual Registration. If you need transportation from an address other than your primary residence you need to complete a 23-24 HSD Alternative Address transportation request form. These requests should be submitted by August 4th.

Student Directory

The PTO will be compiling a Student Directory of parent email addresses that can be used as a means of contacting other families. To be included in the directory, you will need to grant the district permission to share your contact information with the PTO. This can be done in Step 4 of the Returning Student Registration 23-24 in Skyward Family Access. If you have already completed the registration, you can change your permissions by marking the registration as not completed and making the desired changes. Only families who share their email addresses with the PTO will receive the directory. The directory is compiled in early fall and not updated throughout the school year.

School Supply Lists

School Supply Lists can be found here.  The Sharing Tree provides free school supplies and backpacks to families in the Hudson School District.  The online registration form can be found here; please note, registration needs to be completed by July 31st.  Please contact Cindy Leonard at 715-781-9723 for assistance.

Student Fees

Information regarding Student Fees will be sent to families in the upcoming weeks. Student Fees should be paid prior to the first day of school, Tuesday, August 29th. If you need financial assistance, please contact the River Crest Office at 715-377-3890.

Important Information:

  • Meet the Teacher is Monday, August 28th from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
  • First Day of School for students 1st grade and up will be Tuesday, August 29th.
  • K-Start meetings will be held Tuesday, August 29th; Wednesday, August 30th; and Thursday, August 31st. Incoming Kindergarten families will be receiving information on this in the upcoming weeks.
  • First Day of School for Kindergarten will be Friday, September 1st.
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 4th (Labor Day).
  • School Hours for K-5 are 9:00 AM – 3:53 PM. Students should not be dropped off prior to 8:45 AM.
  • Before and After School Care (School Age Care) is available starting at 6:05 AM and ending at 6:00 PM. School Age Care information can be found here.

Thanks for sharing your child with us! We are sincerely looking forward to the upcoming year and further building our home-school relationship with all of our families.

We packed this letter full of key information but always feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at 715.377.3890.


Kimberly Osterhues

River Crest Elementary Principal

Congratulations to our Hudson Music Departments!

Best Communities for Music Education Award

Congratulations to our Hudson School District Music Departments for being recognized as a NAMM 2023 Best Communities for Music Education District. This the 13th consecutive year that Hudson has received this award! #WeAreRaiderProud

Middle School music staff standing with their awards.

Board of Education and music faculty with their awards.

Education Foundation Star Grants Awarded

Education Foundation Star Grant Recipients

Pictured above from left, Caroline Wolf, Katy Cook, Samantha Thrane, Melissa Miller, Susan Erickson, and Anita Horne.

The Education Foundation of Hudson awarded Star Grants in May for innovative classroom projects and curriculum training. The foundation awarded grants totaling over $21,000 for seven projects involving several educators and touching many schools in Hudson.

Foundation Board President Lynn Krueger, and other board members, presented the awards during ceremonies at Hudson High School on May 11. He told recipients that the foundation and community are proud of the educators’ efforts to bring innovative ideas to the classrooms of local schools.

Grant recipients are listed below.

  • ELL Traveling Library submitted by Samantha Thrane, with help from Melissa Miller, from River Crest Elementary School. The program will impact all Hudson elementary schools. English Language Learners (ELL) will have access to books that feature both their native language and English side-by-side. Hudson currently has students with 14 different native languages. The books assist both students and parents as they learn English. The foundation awarded $3,048.37.
  • Flex Farm Hydroponic System submitted by Leslie Bleskachek from Hudson High School. The proposal would expose students to emerging technology in agriculture, food science and plant science. The technology allows the growth of greens indoors without the use of soil. The foundation awarded $1,820.
  • Empty Bowls Service Learning Project submitted by Katy Cook, Melissa Johnson, Teri Hagar and Jodi Youngman from Hudson Prairie Elementary School. The program will combine math, art and community service. Students will create ceramic bowls, learn about hunger in the community and raise funds to help those in need. The foundation awarded $5,914.21.
  • Digital Storytelling submitted by Caroline Wolf from River Crest Elementary School. The goal of the project is to promote and listen to reading and still involve technology among kindergarten students. Storytelling will be done with electronics combined with kid-friendly buttons, figurines and different voices. The foundation awarded $2,039.55.
  • Inclusive outdoor classroom submitted by Anita Horne with help from Susan Erickson at River Crest Elementary School. The program involves providing improved inclusivity of the early childhood outdoor classroom. Plans call for a shelter and rubberized surface. The foundation awarded $3,000. The plan calls for additional funding from other sources before construction begins.
  • Digital Mixer submitted by Tricia Piper from St. Patrick’s School. The program involves purchasing equipment for a sensory room at the school. It will give the school the opportunity to deal with students who have certain needs. The foundation awarded $1,860.

In addition to Krueger, current Foundation board members are Dr. Ron Berth, Jodell Krause, Doug Stohlberg, Joan Thompson, John Kramer, Heidi Gilbert, and Scott Snyder. Steven Keller is the organization’s volunteer executive director.

Star Grants offer financial support for innovative classroom projects and also projects furthering the education of teachers — all items that would not typically be funded in the normal budgeting process. The foundation awards Star Grants twice each year. Application deadlines are November 1 and April 1. The foundation also selects winners of the Star Excellence Award each year. The award is presented to outstanding educators in the spring. Those individuals are nominated by the public and nominations are due April 1 of each year.

The foundation, founded in 1990, is a private organization established to strengthen community participation in local schools and inspire both teachers and students. With the May grants, the foundation has funded just under $2,000,000 in local education projects and awards since the organization’s inception.

The foundation is funded by private donations, mostly coming from local and area businesses, individuals, and foundations.