Board of Education Facilities Planning Listening Session

Facilities Planning Listening Session

The Board of Education will be holding a listening session regarding the Facilities Task Force options that were part of the recent community survey.

  • WHEN: Monday, January 10, 2022
  • TIME: 7:00 PM
  • WHERE: River Crest Elementary School – Cafeteria (535 County Road F)

The following documents provide background information regarding the Facility Task recommendations and community survey results.


Do you….

  • Like Kids?
  • Want to make a difference in a student’s life?
  • Want to get more involved with your community?

Are you…

  • Looking for a worthy cause that builds strong community relationships, creates goodwill for your organization and helps shape Hudson’s future?


  • Become a mentor!  Elementary students are waiting for guidance and encouragement from an adult figure.  If you have a little time in the day and room in your heart for a child, then the STAND-BY-ME program needs you!

Whimsical Design

Hudson Prairie student working on their art project.

Hudson Prairie first graders are finishing up making castles inspired by Mary Blair, one of the first women to work for Walt Disney Studios and responsible for the whimsical design and color styling of the “It’s a Small World” ride.

Hudson Prairie student working on their art project. Hudson Prairie student working on their art project. Hudson Prairie student working on their art project.

Marching Excellence

HHS Marching Band at US Bank Stadium performance

The Hudson High School Marching Band participated in “Youth in Music” this past weekend at US Bank Stadium. Over 30 marching bands, including UW Eau Claire’s BluGolds and the UofM Gopher Marching Band participated. Hudson senior, Esme Mergendahl, was chosen as a YIMMY Scholarship recipient. This coming weekend the band will travel to UW – Whitewater for their final show of the season at the WI State Music Association Marching Band competition.

Esme Mergendahl holding certificate HHS Marching Band at US Bank Stadium performance

HHS Marching Band at US Bank Stadium performance HHS Marching Band at US Bank Stadium performance

Peace Garden

Peace Garden at EP Rock

Each year, Kindergarten and all new/transfer students and staff paint a rock to include in the EP Rock Peace Garden. We made sure to include last year’s new students as well as our current 1st graders. It’s a way to build community and demonstrate how we are all different but a part of something special.

Students painting their rocks for the Peace Garden. Students placing their rocks in the Peace Garden.

Students placing their rocks in the Peace Garden. Students painting their rocks for the Peace Garden.