Prom is almost here – we want to see photos of the event. The Hudson School District and The Hudson Star Observer are asking you to share your photos with us for the newspaper and social media. You can share your photos by using the following link or QR code with this post.
HHS Peer Helpers

Unofficial – 2023 Spring Election Results

April 4th Referendum Facts

The Hudson School District has a long history of being fiscally responsible and committed to maximizing the community’s investment. This referendum reflects the compromises made based on community feedback. We believe this plan is good for our kids, staff, and community.
The Hudson School District has two questions on the ballot.
Question #1 would allow the Board of Education to exceed the annual revenue limit by $8 million. This question is in response to increased operational costs and expenses related to retaining an exceptional workforce. At the same time, the School District has experienced lower student enrollment and stagnant state funding.
Question #2 is for capital maintenance not to exceed $29 million to pay for the costs of facility improvements at EP Rock and North Hudson Elementary Schools and Hudson Middle School.
The decision to go to referendum for the three schools identified in Question #2 resulted from a three-year planning process that included research and feedback from a Facility Task Force, a community-wide feedback survey, and facility planning interviews with school principals, facility and grounds staff, and other administrators. The Board of Education has communicated that maintenance needs exist at other schools, some of which can be completed through the District’s annual maintenance budget of approximately $2 million and others are dependent on enrollment trends over the next three years. The Board is committed to addressing any emergency maintenance needs or unsafe conditions should they arise at any of the District’s facilities. Safety of students and staff is always a priority.
The referendum addresses needs at multiple buildings. In addition to replacing aging infrastructure, the District would invest in safety and security in both elementary buildings with secured entrances, fire sprinkler systems, and updated fire alarm systems. The changes to flooring will reduce ongoing operating costs as we move away from products that require waxing and stripping every summer.
Our classrooms do not resemble 1950’s era learning spaces. They have been updated with technology and furniture to help meet the needs of our kids. We currently do project-based and collaborative learning in all of our elementary schools.The amenities in the EP Rock and North Hudson classrooms are similar to River Crest. However, the ancillary spaces adjacent to classrooms as seen at River Crest and Hudson Prairie will not be added to this project.
The updated electrical services are not just for chilled water plants but are also necessary to bring our older buildings up to today’s standards. We do not have final calculations on the savings because this is part of the building design process. We will evaluate multiple options to find the most cost-effective and efficient solution for our buildings. Without a complete design and modeling of the systems, it would be very difficult to provide information about the costs or savings of the cooling systems. We do know switching to LED lighting in our buildings will save on energy costs. Again, we cannot make any definitive statements about overall energy consumption until the new systems have been designed.
The School District and Board of Education have worked to be transparent in this process. Information and documents from the three years of planning are posted on the School District website under the “April 4th Operations & Facilities Referendum.” Documents include a 10-year facility plan developed by Wold Architects, Facility Task Force Final Report, an Enrollment Projection Study completed by the UW-Madison Applied Population Laboratory, and the progression of options that led to the final referendum questions.
Our community engagement process began three years ago. There have been regular updates at the Board of Education meetings throughout this time. Families and staff have received regular email updates. Parent meetings and building forums were held, and opportunities were provided for questions and answers. Quarterly community newsletters have been sent to all residents and included information on the Board’s progress in developing their 10-year facility plan and decisions on establishing priorities. Following the community-wide feedback survey, the Board of Education did additional research, held more community meetings, confirmed enrollment trends, and only then used all the feedback and information gathered to develop their referendum questions. Most recently, the School District hosted three in-person and virtual community meetings to answer questions about the referendum.
Again, this referendum reflects the compromises made based on community feedback. We believe this plan is good for our kids, staff, and community.
To learn more about the April 4th referendum and the planning process click here.
Please vote and don’t forget to look at both sides of your ballot.
Voting information can be found at
Did you know?

North Hudson Elementary 3rd grade students partnered with the Wisconsin Potato Growers Auxiliary to learn about the Wisconsin potato industry. Did you know that Wisconsin is the 3rd largest producer of potatoes in the United States? Additionally, students learned healthy nutrition facts about potatoes.
April 4th Referendum Community Meetings

Learn more about the April 4th referendum questions by joining one of the upcoming Community Information Presentations:
- March 21 Virtual presentation via Zoom; 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (click here)
- March 23 at North Hudson Elementary School Media Center; 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (510 Lemon St. N.)
Questions #1 — Resolution to exceed the revenue cap commencing with the 2023-2024 school year in an amount of $8 million each year on a recurring basis for the purpose of paying District operations, maintenance, and staffing costs.
Questions #2 — Resolution authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds in the amount not to exceed $29,000,000 for the facility and grounds improvements to the EP Rock and North Hudson Elementary Schools and the Hudson Middle School, and equipment acquisition related to said projects.
Additional information is available by click here.
Meet the School Board Candidates

On Tuesday evening (March 7, 2023), the Willow River and Houlton Parent Groups hosted a School Board Candidates Forum. Take a moment to watch the video and get to know the candidates. The School Board election is April 4th. There are two positions up for election this spring. Click here to view the forum.
Congratulations to our Hudson Raider Winter Teams

We have had an amazing Raider Winter Season! Congratulations to our champions and state qualifiers! #WeAreRaiderProud
Winter Weather Alert

We have all experienced the unpredictability of winter storms this season. The Hudson School District is closely monitoring the weather for Wednesday and Thursday. At this time, we are holding on making a decision on any school closures until we have a clear idea on the actual amount of snow in our community. We know other school districts have made the decision to close school in advance of the storm. We feel it is in the best interest of our kids and staff to wait to make the determination until the storm actually arrives.
We want families to plan and have as much advance notice as possible of any changes to the school day. A decision to close schools on Wednesday will be sent to families and staff no later than 5:00 A.M. Wednesday, but may be made yet this evening. If school is held on Wednesday, we will have a 3-hour early release. This means:
- NO morning or afternoon 4K or early childhood services.
- School Age Care families should plan to pick up their children within 1 hour of school closing.
- No after school activities, practices, or events.
- The Raider Fitness Center will be closed.
- Families with inclement weather routes should use their alternate pick up and drop off locations.
Based on the storm predictions for Wednesday afternoon into Thursday, we will likely be closed on Thursday. We may also experience a delay or closure on Friday depending on blowing and drifting snow.
What does this mean for making up lost instructional time?
If there is a school closure for a full day, we will need to make up instructional time. The School District will add 10 minutes to the school day. It has not been determined if this additional time would be at the start of the day, end of the day, or a combination of both (details will be sent to families and staff by Friday). The High School will no longer have Wednesday early release days. Both the additional minutes to the day and the removal of the High School Wednesday early release days would start on Monday, February 27, 2023.
In the event there are no additional snow days, with the added minutes to the day, we could potentially have the last day for students be June 8, 2023.
Families and staff will be notified if there are any changes to the above plan.
River Crest Elementary School Honors Veterans

In honor of Veterans Day, River Crest Elementary School held a Veterans Appreciation Ceremony and reception.
River Crest families along with their Veterans were invited to attend. The ceremony included the Color Guard, students singing “Grateful to Be American” and “America the Beautiful” which was led in sign language by River Crest 3rd grade students, and speeches by several River Crest students. Students learned about flag etiquette from Command Sergeant Major Jason Miller and Sergeant Amanda Armstrong. They also learned about the armed services branches. Sergeant Corey O’Keefe was a special guest speaker and former Hudson graduate, Lieutenant Casey Fall, sent a video clip that taught students about the Coast Guard. Prior to the Color Guard retiring the flag, the entire student body sang “Happy Birthday” to WWII veteran Don Jones, who celebrated his 104th birthday in November. Mr. Jones is the great-grandfather of Drew, Liam and Isla Agrimson. River Crest families sent in pictures of their Veterans that were assembled into a slideshow that was also shared with students and families. A Veterans Wall of Honor displaying stars with names of special veterans was a focal point. This year’s Veterans Day will be remembered as a very special day by the staff, students and families of River Crest Elementary.