Love and Logic Parenting Class

Two adults walking with a child in between them.

“Parenting the Love and Logic Way” provides parents with practical, easy to use techniques and tools to help children become responsible adults. When parents us “Love and Logic” techniques with children, they are better able to hand the challenges of today’s real world.

Class is being offered at Hudson Prairie Elementary School on Tuesdays, March 10 – April 14 (there is no class the week of spring break). The classes are scheduled from 5:45 – 7:45 PM

The class is facilitated by Aria Krieser, school counselor at Hudson Prairie Elementary School, and Chris Strop, school counselor at North Hudson Elementary School.

4K Registration and Kindergarten Information

District-wide 4K registration poster with books apple and blocks

The Hudson School District is holding its District-wide 4K Registration and Kindergarten Information night for the 2020-2021 school year.

  • Tuesday, January 21, 2020
  • 4:30 – 6:30 PM
  • Hudson Prairie Elementary School, 1400 Carmichael Road

What do I need to complete my child’s registration?

  • Proof of residency and a copy of current immunizations
  • District registration and partner site registration are both required for 4K.

This evening is optional for incoming Kindergarten families. There will be staff available to answer questions. If your child has not been part of a Hudson 4K program, Kindergarten registration begins online by clicking here. 

If you have questions, you may contact one of the following elementary schools or the Hudson Community 4K Program:

  • EP Rock Elementary School: 715.377.3840
  • Houlton Elementary School: 715.377.3850
  • Hudson Prairie Elementary School: 715.377.3860
  • North Hudson Elementary School: 715.377.3870
  • River Crest Elementary School: 715.377.3890
  • Willow River Elementary School: 715.377.3880
  • Hudson Community 4K Program: 715.377.3850; ext. 2321

Hudson Schools Exceed or Significantly Exceed Expectations

State of Wisconsin with the number 83.9 Significantly Exceeds Expectations

The Hudson School District is excited to report that the School District is ranked in the top 8% of Wisconsin school districts according to the recently released Wisconsin School Report Cards. All of the Hudson Schools scored an Exceeds or Significantly Exceeds Expectations on their report cards. The School District is particularly proud of progress made on closing learning gaps and making academic progress for all children.

Individual 2018-2019 School Report Cards can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Click on the following link to learn more about Wisconsin School Report Cards:

Raider Spirit Across the District

High school football players and Pep Band at elementary playground

Raider homecoming spirit spread across the district today, as the Spirit Bus along with the football team, marching band and the Raidaires visited our elementary schools; promoting Raider Pride, sportsmanship and having some homecoming fun. Go Raiders!

Elementary students meeting football team and pep band members.Elementary students meet high school football team and pep band members.Elementary students meet high school football team, pep band and cheerleader squad members.Elementary students meet high school football team, marching band and cheerleading squad members.Elementary students meet high school football team, marching band and cheerleading squad members.High school football team, marching band and cheerleading squad at playground pepfest. Elementary students meet high school football team players.Elementary students celebrate homecoming with high school cheerleaders in a gym.  Elementary students meeting football players and high-fiving in a gym.Elementary students high-fiving high school football players and cheerleaders.Elementary student standing with arm around high school football player.Students sitting on gym floor for homecoming spirit rally.


Calling All Creative Kids!

Destination Imagination Maker Day Announcement with watch gears in the background

It’s that time of the year to get signed up for Destination Imagination!

We are hosting a DI Maker Day so you can find out what DI is all about. on

Drop in any time, stay for the fun. We will provide:

  • A room full of crazy, creative things for you to create with!
  • All the information you need to join a DI team or start your own team (between 2 and 7 kids, any grade, K through 12)
  • Copies of the New Challenges!

Questions? Contact: Liz Malanaphy at or Anita Stilwell at 

Annual Meeting Highlights

Dr. Ouellette and Board members seated on the stage for Annual Meeting.

Monday’s Annual Meeting of the Board of Education opened with Dr. Ouellette presenting highlights of the District’s achievements and the Board’s focus areas. Click here to view Dr. Ouellette’s presentation.

Presentations were also provided by Board Treasurer Heather Logelin and Tim Erickson, Chief Financial and Operations Officer. Together, they covered the 2019-2020 proposed budget and levy, budget challenges and assumptions, and the impact on property taxes.

Budget Challenges:

  • Address reduced state funding levels.
  • Address instructional needs for all learners including: staff professional development, curriculum adoption, resource materials, and services to meet student needs.
  • Maintain student to teacher ratios within class size guidelines.
  • Sustainable funding for long-term maintenance and capital improvement plan for all facilities.

Budget Assumptions:

  • State equalization aid is projected to be $836,000 less or 3.8% lower than last year and per pupil categorical aid has been increased by $88 per student under the first year of the biennial state budget or a $496,000 increase over last year.
  • The estimated mill rate of $10.35 is down 1.54% from last year’s $10.51. Overall property valuation is estimated to increase 10.09% compared to 3.7% last year. The state average is 6.0%
  • Total under levy stands at approximately $3,300,000, which is direct tax relief for property owners in the Hudson School District.
  • Salaries and benefits are budgeted to increase $1,830,000 or 4.0% over last and include new staffing, staffing reductions, Teacher Salary Structure, Support Staff Compensation System, Hudson Lead Salary Structure, and Board approved increase of 2.5%

Below is the Annual Meeting Booklet